Live. Explore. Grow. Inspire.

Author: jelliott629

  • Worship as You Work

    Worship as You Work

    In the hustle and bustle of each school day, it’s easy to get caught up in the demands of lesson planning, writing and grading assessments, completing paperwork, making phone calls, checking emails, and the myriad of tasks that come with shaping and developing the next generation. But I want to take a moment and reflect…

  • INFJ Thunder

    INFJ Thunder

    The first time I saw this meme, I kind of grunted (really a “hmph” of acknowledgement and agreement) and thought to myself, “So true.” I am trying to become more self-aware, day by day. Sometimes the results are pleasing, other times, not so much. One thing I’m particularly working on is how others perceive me.…

  • Fear


    Years ago, I visited and hiked in Letchworth State Park in New York. It is considered by many to be the ‘Grand Canyon of the East.’ For centuries, the Genesee River has eroded its way deeper into the shale, siltstone, and sandstone earth forming huge waterfalls and deep gorges. The gorge walls are nearly vertical…

  • INFJ On Empty

    INFJ On Empty

    I’ve learned a lot of valuable lessons about being an INFJ over the last few years. Perhaps chief among them is that I truly have to guard my emotional and physical energies, because when they are depleted, it takes time to recover. And that time usually has to be spent alone, sometimes in silence. It…

  • Forgiveness


    To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you. ―C.S. Lewis Humanity. We are imperfect; we make mistakes; we hurt those around us; we even hurt those we love. Sometimes it’s intentional, sometimes it’s not. How can we maintain healthy relationships if we carry a lot of…

  • INFJ Company

    INFJ Company

    This speaks to me. Especially as I get older. In my 20s and even early 30s, I was discontent with the person I perceived myself to be. Even more, I had a fear of being alone and, as a result, made poor relationship decisions with both friends and “more than friends.” Case and point, as…

  • Renewal and Renewed Purpose

    Renewal and Renewed Purpose

    God could have created the universe any way that He wanted. The universe was created from a totally blank slate—absolute nothingness—and He merely spoke it into existence. The fundamental forces, such as gravity and electromagnetism, didn’t even exist. He created the very laws of nature and physics that scientists have been trying to unravel for…